Tag Archives: CPR class

Now booking for November, December and January


We just wanted to say hello and let you know that November is filling up fast.

December 2014 is relatively open, but I booked my first class for January today.

We are available for certifying classes in CPR, First Aid  and BLS. We also offer informational talks for non-profits, churches and service organizations. We can discuss most health-related topics, though Preventing Heart Disease is the most commonly requested topic.

We also over a Choking Rescue class for restaurants.

Give me a call to finish your annual training calendar on a high note – book your end of the year class this week!



Fighting Heart Disease – Diet

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for Americans, and has been for many years. There are a lot of reasons for this – some of which have been discussed in previous posts. One of the contributing factors in heart disease is diet. You have to remember that food is the fuel your body runs on – cheap, processed food is even worse for your body than E85 gas would be for your Ferrari (I don’t have one either, but you’ll remember the image).

Americans have a terrible diet. The cheapest food available to us is the worst for us – but we know that if you’re feeding three kids dinner and you have $10, you’re hitting the fast food. In a more heart-healthy world, the cheapest food would be the freshest, and the drive through would be cost-prohibitive.

There are about three billion blogs about food out there, so you go find recipes you like and we won’t add to the pile.  We’ll keep it pretty simple:

All things in moderation, and the fresher the better. 

Students often tell me that they don’t know where to begin to improve their diets – I tell them to eat 10% cleaner. You can cut 10% of the junk out of your diet – use skim instead of cream in your coffee, or eat an apple in the afternoon instead of a candy bar. Make one meal a week with turkey instead of beef – or veggies instead of meat, brown rice instead of instant or regular white rice – these small changes can help improve your health. Once you’ve done it for a month…do it again. It’s a pretty painless way to improve your overall health. Obviously, if you have a specialized diet – if you have high blood pressure or diabetes, you should continue to follow that diet even as you clean it up.

Packaged foods – especially “healthy” frozen meals, are not very helpful. Flavor in processed food only comes from salt, fat or sugar. When they remove the fat, the salt content skyrockets. You can learn more about reading nutrition labels at Nutritiion.GovImage

To learn about changing your family’s eating habits, check out our friends at Revitalized Nutrition.

If you combine your dietary improvements with moderate exercise and appropriate medical care for any underlying medical conditions, you’ll be well on your well to better health. 

Book a Class in First Aid/CPR/AED

To book a class in First Aid, CPR/AED or Bloodborn Pathogens, or to request a talk on heart disease, heart attack recognition or another related topic, please send a note to CPRB2B@gmail.com or comment here. We serve the South Florida area.

We also have partners who offer nutrition counseling, personal training and swim/bike/running coaching.

Why Should I Train in CPR?

A friend and student tagged me in a FaceBook post yesterday:

“Omg! Just had the worst scare. I am at work. And the one year old that I am watching put this tiny black plastic thing in her mouth and was chocking on it. I thought at first she was chewing on her tongue. Because she does that a lot. But nope omg! That was super scary. Good thing. I had great CPR and first aid training! Nicole Goldstein

It was just so random her room is so baby proofed. It is so weird. That tiny little piece of plastic. We have no idea where it came from. But I stayed calm and just did what you taught me.  And it worked!  Thank you. It was very scary. But I knew by overreacting could be dangerous.”

We train in CPR and First Aid because these moments are common. They are always terrifying. Knowing what to do ahead of time, training against the possibility of the unthinkable can keep emergencies from turning into tragedies.

The skills we teach save children from choking, and adults from heart attack deaths. They help with cuts and scrapes and larger traumas. The skills you learn with us can help save the lives of those you hold dear.

Book a class with us today – cprb2b@gmail.com




Why take a CPR class?

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for American adults. Sudden cardiac arrest, heart attacks and strokes happen every day.

These cardiac events are usually quick and terrifying to witness- but with early recognition, access and treatment, many of them are survivable.

In this class, you will learn how to recognize and respond to a life-threatening emergency.

What else will we learn?

You will learn how to treat conscious and unconscious choking patients, recognize a heart attack, stroke and shock, CPR, how to use an AED, and the confidence to act in an emergency.

Do we get a certification?

Yes. The certification is nationally recognized and valid for 2 years.

How long is the class?

The class is only 3 hours.

You do this kind of thing often?

Yes. We have been teaching CPR since 1992. Our interesting, informative class will teach you life-saving skills (and a little biology). Your instructor has done CPR as a lifeguard, an EMT and a bystander and has taught thousands of people this vital skill.

Anything else we should know?

Wear comfortable clothes and be prepared to move around a bit.